Neurodevelopment Program

Optimize Motor Sequencing, Neural Timing, Cognitive and Behavioral Skills. No matter your age, focus and coordination plays a crucial role in almost every aspect of day-to-day life, including work, school, and play. However, most people don’t know how to improve this crucial skill. That’s where we come in! Our Neurodevelopment program aims to improve brain performance through fun and challenging activities that will drive neuroplasticity, the process through which neural pathways in the brain to change, reorganize, and reconnect.

Areas of improvement in this program include:

  • Sensory Processing

  • Impulse Control

  • Reading & Learning

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Focus & Attention

  • Balance and Coordination

  • Sports Performance

  • Decision Making

  • Memory

Our program begins with a consultation and examination to find out if you or your child are a candidate for our program. A few of the assessments we perform include hand-eye coordination, eye tracking, primitive reflexes, and Interactive Metronome testing. The doctor will then review the findings of those assessments and discuss the results to determine a treatment plan. Upon completion of the program, patients can then move to an Interactive Metronome Home program that is remotely monitored by our providers.